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Archive for the ‘FYI and such’ category

An advert for the season premiere of the final season of Six Feet Under:


(accompanied by a picture of Claire riding off in her green hearse into the proverbial sunset.)

It’s a great ad anyway, but in the middle of Times Square it took on a particular poignancy.


More weddings

We had eight weddings on the docket last summer/fall (including our own) and this year is shaping up to be just as full of weddings…

We got phone calls today from both my sister Dana and James’ best man John sharing with us the happy news that they had each gotten engaged this weekend (Dana to Pete – a very welcome addition to our family – and John to the wonderful Emma). Both of them are looking at dates in September, which is looking to be a very busy month for us. If you’re thinking about scheduling a wedding for this year, could you avoid September please? Thanks. 🙂

Congrats to Dana & Pete and John & Emma!

Several people have asked me if I’m Kari Stewart now. The answer is, “Not yet.” Although I’m wearing my wedding ring, I’m not going to change my name until after our October 22 celebration. After that I will officially be Kari Lynn Stewart.

Really, we just wanted to confuse the heck out of as many people as possible. 😉

New look!

So I’m here in England, and James has been teaching me about style sheets and such which meant things made much more sense when he taught me how to change the look of my blog. I could have just had him do it for me, but I like knowing how things work. And now if I want to change it again later, I can do it myself. Or ask James to remind me again… Anyway, I’m rather pleased with the outcome. I hope you like it!